Why Our AI Workshop?

Embark on a comprehensive journey that takes your business from the initial sparks of AI potential to fully integrated and sustainable solutions.

Our workshop covers the initial steps needed to transform your AI ideas into impactful business outcomes.
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Crafting Your Future

Step 1: Kickstart your AI journey by defining a clear and compelling AI vision tailored specifically for your organization. We’ll help paint a picture of what’s possible, setting the stage for transformation.
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Criteria For Success

Step 2: Develop precise criteria for scoring potential AI use cases. This step ensures that all future AI initiatives are evaluated against standards that matter most to your success, optimizing outcomes from the start.
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Use Case Development

Step 3: Begin building a comprehensive list of use cases. We’ll explore and document numerous scenarios where AI can drive significant value, laying a robust foundation for selecting the most impactful projects.
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Use Case Exploration

Step 4: Delve into each potential AI application with comprehensive research. Understand the technical and business implications to ensure every use case is feasible and relevant to your needs.
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Strategic Evaluation

Step 5: Apply the scoring criteria developed in Phase 1 to rigorously assess each AI use case. This systematic evaluation ensures that only the most viable and impactful solutions move forward.
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Prioritization and Planning

Step 6: Create an Impact-Effort Matrix to visualize the potential benefits against the required efforts for each use case. Based on this analysis, we'll craft targeted recommendations to guide your decision-making, ensuring that you focus your resources on high-impact, feasible AI projects.

Transform Challenges into Opportunities with AI

Position your business for success by converting your biggest AI apprehensions into strategic advantages. We don't just talk about AI; we deliver real-world applications and tangible outcomes that propel your operations forward. Here’s how we make AI work for you:


Transform Challenges into Opportunities with AI

Position your business for success by converting your biggest AI apprehensions into strategic advantages. We don't just talk about AI; we deliver real-world applications and tangible outcomes that propel your operations forward. Here’s how we make AI work for you:


Transform Challenges into Opportunities with AI

Position your business for success by converting your biggest AI apprehensions into strategic advantages. We don't just talk about AI; we deliver real-world applications and tangible outcomes that propel your operations forward. Here’s how we make AI work for you:


Transform Challenges into Opportunities with AI

Position your business for success by converting your biggest AI apprehensions into strategic advantages. We don't just talk about AI; we deliver real-world applications and tangible outcomes that propel your operations forward. Here’s how we make AI work for you:

Click a step for more details

1. Crafting Your Vision

Kickstart your AI journey by defining a clear and compelling AI vision tailored specifically for your organization as well as a criteria for success. We’ll help paint a picture of what’s possible, setting the stage for transformation.

2. Use Case Development

Begin building a comprehensive list of use cases. We’ll explore and document numerous scenarios where AI can drive significant value, laying a robust foundation for selecting the most impactful projects.

3. Use Case Exploration

Delve into each potential AI application with comprehensive research. Understand the technical and business implications to ensure every use case is feasible and relevant to your needs.

4. Strategic Evaluation

Apply the scoring criteria developed in Phase 1 to rigorously assess each AI use case. This systematic evaluation ensures that only the most viable and impactful solutions move forward.

5. Prioritization and Planning

Create an Impact-Effort Matrix to visualize the potential benefits against the required efforts for each use case. Based on this analysis, we'll craft targeted recommendations to guide your decision-making, ensuring that you focus your resources on high-impact, feasible AI projects.

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1. A talk with our talent acquisition manager

Think of this as a first date - all we want to do is get to know you and align expectations. We also use this call to answer any questions you may have about us, the work we do and your prospective team. The conversation is set up as a 30-45 min video call.

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2. Call with the hiring Manager

You're off to your first meeting with a member of your prospective team. This call aims at taking a deeper look at your qualifications and their compatibility with our expectations for the role. Here you can also ask your very role specific questions like what a day/week in the role would look like. The conversation is set up as a 30-45 min video call.

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3. Case study

Upon receiving approval from the Hiring Manager, you will be given a case study with a time limit of 48-72 hours (varies by role). This allows us to assess your skills and gives you insight into the problems we solve at MVP Factory. Following completion, there will be a 45-60 minute video call to discuss your work with prospective colleagues. If you are in Berlin, you are welcome to join us in our office for this step.

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4. Cross-Functional Conversations

By now you know that a lot of the work we do is on a cross functional basis and hence why in these final calls, you get to meet members of other teams you'll be working with in your prospective role. It will be 2 conversations with different focus areas, with 2 MVP Factory team members each. Both will last 45-60 min and can take place online or in our office.

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5. Offer

When all has been said and done and we're in awe of you - it won't take long for you to get a call from us with a verbal offer that precedes the written one.


Transform Challenges into Opportunities with AI

Position your business for success by converting your biggest AI apprehensions into strategic advantages. We don't just talk about AI; we deliver real-world applications and tangible outcomes that propel your operations forward. Here’s how we make AI work for you:

Tailored Vision and Strategic Guidance

We meet you where you are. As a first step, we'll understand the unique challenges within your company's specific context. From there, we'll clarify and structure your vision, leveraging our expertise to set realistic expectations for what can be achieved with today's technology tailored to your business needs. By the end, you'll have a personalized AI implementation roadmap.

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Expert-led Education: Data Privacy in the AI Era

At the core of our AI workshop is the unparalleled guidance from MVPF's AI Expert Team, dedicated to elevating your understanding and application of AI technologies. Our leading specialists not only consult you on identifying bespoke AI use cases aligned with your unique business needs but also navigate you through the intricate data privacy issues associated with AI implementation.

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Comprehensive Lifecycle Coverage

After identifying key opportunities during the workshop, our skilled team is equipped to take these insights from concept to market. We guide you through every phase of the innovation journey, ensuring that the strategies developed are not only viable but fully realized in your operational environment. Trust us to transform your AI aspirations into tangible outcomes.

Man and woman looking at a book
MVP Factory Powered by Ness

Innovation Powered by Advanced Gen AI Capabilities

Position your business for success by converting your biggest AI apprehensions into strategic advantages. We don't just talk about AI; we deliver real-world applications and tangible outcomes that propel your operations forward. Here’s how we make AI work for you:

Shaping Your Digital Vision

At MVP Factory, a proud member of Ness Digital Engineering, we combine core expertise in software development with the latest digital strategies and technologies to seamlessly guide you through your digital transformation. We understand and define your vision and enable you to transform it into real, scalable solutions.

Unleashing GenAI

Supported by the robust engineering capabilities of Ness Digital Engineering, we craft AI strategies that are top-tier in driving innovation and ready for rapid prototyping, scaling, and long-term maintenance. With Ness Gen, we empower you to leverage GenAI, using any machine-learning model across various platforms.

Executing powerful ideas

By combining our expertise from entrepreneurship, design, tech and growth hacking with agile processes and high-performing, scalable and agile teams, we help organisations to build digital ventures and products at start-up speed. We empower global companies to become digital champions.


We deliver impact

The case studies featured here are testament to our ability to execute. These successes followed the strategic and discovery processes we'll craft together, and display how our initial engagements often evolve into transformative AI projects.

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Hear from Our Happy Innovators

MVP Factory's expertise and agile approach transformed our idea into a successful platform. Their end-to-end support helped us overcome challenges and scale our business quickly.

Uwe Michaelis
whatever.works founder
Wie technisch ist die erste Einführung in KI? Brauche ich Vorkenntnisse in KI oder einer bestimmten Technologie?

Nein, technische Vorkenntnisse sind zu Beginn nicht erforderlich. Unser erster Workshop ist so strukturiert, dass er für alle Entscheidungsträger zugänglich ist, unabhängig von ihrem technischen Know-how, und konzentriert sich auf die strategischen Vorteile und praktischen Anwendungen von KI.

Wie hoch ist die erwartete Rendite (ROI) der KI-Implementierung?

Die Implementierung von KI kann skalierbar und budgetfreundlich sein. Wir konzentrieren uns auf die Identifizierung hocheffizienter, kostengünstiger KI-Möglichkeiten mit einem klaren ROI, die auf die Größe und Bedürfnisse mittelständischer Unternehmen zugeschnitten sind.

Welche Unterstützung bietet ihr nach dem Workshop an? Wie kann ich eine erfolgreiche KI-Integration sicherstellen?

Nach dem Workshop bieten wir die Möglichkeit, das Projekt weiterzuführen, indem wir eure Vision weiterentwickeln und euch helfen, sie in die Realität umzusetzen. Von der Entdeckung bis zur Implementierung können wir euch in jeder Phase eures KI-Projekts begleiten.

Wie lange dauern die Sessions und welches Format haben sie?

Der Workshop dauert 1-3 Tage und bietet eine Mischung aus interaktiven Sitzungen, praktischen Projekten und Expertenpräsentationen. Er ist so strukturiert, dass er den Lernerfolg maximiert und gleichzeitig auf volle Terminkalender Rücksicht nimm.

Was passiert, wenn wir nicht sofort nach dem Workshop bereit sind, KI zu implementieren?

Die von uns entwickelte KI-Roadmap ist so konzipiert, dass sie sofort oder in der Zukunft umgesetzt werden kann. Sie enthält skalierbare Schritte, die es euch ermöglichen wird, in eurem eigenen Tempo voranzukommen und sich an eure Bereitschaft und eure Geschäftsanforderungen anzupasst.

Was kostet die Teilnahme am AI-Seminar und was ist darin enthalten?

Das Seminar wird zu 100 Prozent auf eure individuellen Geschäftsbedürfnisse zugeschnitten. Unmittelbar nach einem Sondierungsgespräch können wir ein detailliertes Angebot unterbreiten, das alle Unterlagen, den Zugang zu den Sessions und Ressourcen danach umfasst. Wenn ihr euch entscheidet, eure KI-Lösung gemeinsam mit uns weiterzuentwickeln, übernehmen wir die Kosten.

Welche Ergebnisse können wir von der Teilnahme an einem KI-Workshop erwarten?

Am Ende der Session werdet ihr folgendes mit nach Hause nehmen: KI-Vision Statement: Definiert was eure Organisation mit KI erreichen möchte und wie identifizierte Anwendungsfälle euch helfen, diese Ziele zu erreichen. Bewertungskriterien: Lernt die Kriterien zur Bewertung von Anwendungsfällen kennen, um sicherzustellen, dass sie mit eurer KI-Vision übereinstimmen und euch euren Zielen näher bringen. Lange Liste von Anwendungsfällen: Brainstormt gemeinsam potenzielle KI-Implementierungen, die für eure Organisation geeignet sind. Kurze priorisierte Liste: Basierend auf unseren Recherchen und euren Kriterien priorisieren wir die Anwendungsfälle, die den größten Einfluss versprechen. Wirkungs-Aufwand-Matrix: Nutzt unser Tool, um Anwendungsfälle in zwei Dimensionen zu bewerten – den erforderlichen Aufwand und den potenziellen Einfluss, um eine effiziente Priorisierung zu gewährleisten.

Wie können wir uns anmelden, welche Kosten entstehen und wie sind die Stornierungsbedingungen?

Die Beratung ist immer kostenlos und jeder Workshop wird individuell auf eure Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten.


Got Questions? We've got Answers!